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Jim's Insurance Advice Line 1300 546 000
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Jims Insurance
Advice Line 1300 546 000

Please complete this page to confirm your insurance quote.

Business Details

Your Trade 

Your State

Cover Details

Income Details

Public Liability Insurance 

Do you require Public Liability Insurance?

Number of Employees (including yourself)

Please note: Sub-contractors are not covered under this policy. If you engage sub-contractors they will need to obtain Public Liablity insurance elsewhere.

Limit of Liability

General Property (Tools, Equipment, Trailers, Mowers) 

Do you require General Property Insurance?

Level of Cover

Specified Items > $2,500 replacement value
Item Description
Item Type
Item Value

Personal Accident Insurance 

Do you require Personal Accident Cover?
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Weekly Benefit

Type of Cover

Total Premium Payable (incl. GST and Govt. Charges):  $0.00
Please note a surcharge (including gst) applies if paying by Credit Card
Please note, this is not a binding quotation and will only be accepted by the insurer upon completion of the online application process.
Public & Products Liability/General Property
ProRisk, Professional Risk Underwriting Pty Ltd ABN 80 103 953 073 AFSL 308076 has the authority to bind this Policy on behalf of Swiss Re International SE Australia Branch
Personal Accident Insurance
Point Underwriting Agency (AFSL 477471) ABN 53 605 479 070 has been provided with a binding authority by the insurer, Certain Underwriters at Lloyds (Binding Agreement Ref: B1141C24M8178) to enter into this insurance on their behalf.

Section 21 of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 provides that before You enter into a contract of general insurance with an insurer, You have a duty to disclose to the insurer every matter that You know, or could reasonably be expected to know, is relevant to the insurer's decision whether to accept the risk of the insurance and, if so, upon what terms. You have the same duty to disclose those matters to the insurer before You renew, extend, vary or reinstate a contract of general insurance.

Your duty, however, does not require disclosure of a matter:

That diminishes the risk to be undertaken by the insurer;

That is of common knowledge;

That Your insurer knows, or in the ordinary course of its business, ought to know;

As to which compliance with Your duty of disclosure is waived by the insurer.


The policy requires you to notify the insurer within thirty days of any material change in the nature of the professional business, or any act of insolvency or bankruptcy of the insured. The policy requires you to give immediate notice of the cancellation, suspension, termination or imposition of conditions in respect of the insured's statutory registration. Claims arising following the cancellation, suspension or termination of the insured's statutory registration are excluded from indemnity under the policy.


If You fail to comply with Your duty of disclosure, We may be entitled to reduce their liability under the contract in respect of a claim or may cancel the contract. If Your non-disclosure is fraudulent, We may also have the option of avoiding the contract from its beginning.


This Policy provides that You must not, without Our prior written consent, enter into any contract or agreement which excludes, limits or prejudices any right of recovery which You may have in respect of any claim covered by this Policy. Further, You must not do anything or fail to do anything which excludes, limits or prejudices Our rights of subrogation.


In the event of policy cancellation by the insured, ProRisk's cancellation rates will apply.


ProRisk is bound by the obligations of the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended) regarding the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information.

We collect personal information about You and about other individuals to enable Us to provide You with relevant products and services, to assess Your application for insurance and, if a contract is entered, to enable Us to provide, administer, and manage the Policy, and to investigate and handle any claims under the Policy. We may disclose personal information We collect to third parties (who may be located in the United Kingdom and other countries outside Australia). These include the insurer, lawyers, claims adjusters, and others appointed by ProRisk to assist Us in providing relevant products and services.

We may also disclose Your information to people listed as co-insured on the Policy and to Your agents. By providing Your personal information to Us, You consent to Us making these disclosures.

If You do not provide all or part of the information required, We may not be able to provide You with Our products and services, consider Your application for insurance, administer the Policy, assess or handle claims under the Policy. Your Duty of Disclosure may require You to provide personal information to Us.

When You provide Us with personal information about other individuals, We rely upon You to have made them aware of that disclosure, and to ensure that they are aware of the matters set out in this ProRisk Privacy Statement and ProRisk's Privacy Policy and have consented to the disclosure.

Further information about ProRisk's collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information is set out in its Privacy Policy, available on its website at www.prorisk.com.au To obtain a hard copy of our Privacy Policy or to request access to or correction of or to update personal information, contact the Privacy Officer at ProRisk by email: enquiries@prorisk.com.au or by mail at the address shown on the Policy.


ProRisk and the Underwriters proudly support the General Insurance Code of Practice. The purpose of the Code is to raise standards of practice and service in the general insurance industry. A copy of the Code can be obtained from www.codeofpractice.com.au.

This Policy and the Schedule are Insurance Council of Australia's General Insurance Code of Practice compliant, apart from any claims adjusted outside Australia.